Workshop: Sorry Mom

E.ART.H. and Orefici11 together to talk about art, fashion and sustainability.

February 18, 2023 - February 19, 2023

“Sorry Mom,” the title chosen for the course and led by the two artists, brings into dialogue the world of visual arts with fashion and contemporary sounds from the rap universe, involving girls and boys in the production of a clothing collection as unique as this inclusive cross-disciplinary experience.

Designed for girls and boys aged 15 to 21, “Sorry Mom” will be divided into three phases: the first workshop dedicated to music/rap production, the second workshop focused on the customization of second hand garments (February 2023) and, finally, the public return of the work through a fashion show and a live concert, at the spaces of Orefici11 in Milan (April 2023).

The goal of the project is to raise awareness on the issue of sustainability through the reuse of second-hand garments, showing that with customization it is possible to obtain unique pieces and at the same time bring to light the importance and endless opportunities offered by recycling in the clothing supply chain.

Limited number workshops (12 people) with mandatory prenouncement.


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