Peccioli: lo sguardo dei FUTURES

July 1, 2023 - September 15, 2024

The new project, supported by the Peccioliper Foundation, sees as protagonists the Municipality of Peccioli and the photographers Karim El Maktafi, Camilla Ferrari, Sara Scanderebech, Riccardo Svelto, invited by the curator Giangavino Pazzola to spend a period of time observing and studying the territory and the local community.

A wide-ranging programme, from July 2023 to spring 2024, which includes four artist residencies, a diffuse exhibition conceived as an enhancement itinerary along the village and beyond its walls, an in-depth public programme, and a volume published by E.ART.H. Editions, which shapes up as a testimony and ideal completion of the project.
The exhibition will subsequently be revived in Verona, adapting it to E.ART.H.’s location, the spaces of the historic Specialised Refrigeration Station, and will then travel to other institutions in Italy and abroad.

Sustainability, responsibility and sharing, values that distinguish the vision and activity of E.ART.H., are the principles underlying the innovative System promoted by the Municipality of Peccioli together with Belvedere S.p.A. and the Peccioliper Foundation. The Tuscan town has in fact long been committed to enhancing the territory through culture and contemporary arts, working in particular on some sensitive areas of the urban fabric. The aim of the project is to stimulate a deeper knowledge of the territory and its community, fostering opportunities for artists and the urban fabric to meet each other and relate, in order to draw inspiration for the conception of new works.

The project is created in collaboration with CAMERA – Centro italiano per la fotografia di Torino (Italian Centre for Photography in Turin), as part of its activities to promote and enhance emerging young authors. The artists involved have in fact previously been selected by the Turin institution to be part of the European FUTURES Photography platform about contemporary photography.

© Archivio fotografico Fondazione Peccioliper

© Archivio fotografico Fondazione Peccioliper


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